Heart of Red Flags

By Arnav Bonigala

Ah, a wave crash like a shattered glass

Onto unaware men, a sudden clash

Oh, a strike so rash—a lightning bolt’s wrath

Rebirth, but when?

When the blue splits, like a dancer’s leap

A drop falls far wide, a secret it’ll keep

For it, pure bliss, a whisper in the night

The rest, lost pride, a fading candlelight?

Once the drop lands, a ripple through time and space

It continues to play, like a cosmic ballet’s grace

Their life in its hands, a jigsaw puzzle’s fit

Red flag—just prey on nature’s hunting wit

The water now sunk with a melancholic hush

Burns under the sun, like a phoenix’s rush

Yet stays none but drunk, a parched desert’s curse

To shoot its gun, a sea seeks rebirth–

I'm a 15-year old high schooler living in Florida! I love to code software and I love to teach!