I Missed My Childhood Day

By Feray K

In the depths of my memories, I miss my childhood days,

I miss where laughter danced freely, like a sunlit haze.

Times when the only serious thing was playing

And the only sad thing was the end of playtime.

Where innocence was my cloak, shielding me from strife.

Now I am releasing how I long to reclaim that simple, carefree life.

But time has stolen fragments, leaving me adrift,

Caught in a storm of uncertainty, my soul does shift.

A puzzle with missing pieces, I search for my core,

Lost in a labyrinth of confusion, yearning for something more.

I wander through the maze of choices, unsure of where to tread,

Seeking guidance, but finding silence instead.

The weight of my dilemmas, a burden hard to bear,

I yearn for clarity, for a whisper in the air.

Yet, my voice is silenced, trapped within my chest,

Words tangled in a web, longing to be expressed.

Alone in my thoughts, I yearn for a listening ear,

To find solace in connection, to banish my fear.

When does finding someone to listen become this hard?

Maybe if I start crying just like in my childhood I can get someone’s attention

I miss my childhood days

I miss being listened, seen, heard,

I miss playing with my toys and creating my own world

I wish I could hark back to my childhood, not with longing, but with grace,

And infuse our grown-up world with that childlike, tender embrace.

In the symphony of life, let empathy be our song,

A melody that soothes the heartache, where we all belong.

Hello, lovely people! I'm Feray, a vibrant soul navigating the currents of life with a smile. I'm thrilled to join this community. Verses have always been my canvas for expression, and I'm excited to connect with fellow poets. Whether it's unravelling emotions or painting vivid imagery, poetry fuels my creativity. Let's share insights, craft metaphors, and let our words weave a tapestry of emotions and stories together. I am looking forward to embarking on this poetic journey with you all!