Mirror “Me-rror”

By Franzzine Delacroix

Mirrors are a reflection of who you are, literally, and figuratively speaking.

Perhaps some of you have these days where you'll stand in front of one and say,

"Damn, I look good!!" even if you've just woken up.

Or maybe, you belong to those who'd mumble.

"Ha, same old, same old."

Restless and exhausted, but would go about your day like normal.

Yet if you've experienced suddenly feeling the tears well up in your eyes,

The moment you catch sight of your reflection in the glass.

Don't worry, you're not alone.

Insecurities we see left and right.

If nightmares had a human embodiment,

You'd think you've become just that.

It's hard because you'd feel the urge to want to hide it

Your appearance and how you feel.

Because of the pain and sorrow, it's there, and it's real.

If you wish to change it, to mask it,

For you and for you only,

Then who are we to judge?

But if you're doing it for the sake of pleasing someone else,

Love, you have to be reminded, given a little nudge,

For it is not just what we see outside,

It counts for what is inside of you too.

The solution to your problem?

Say these three magic words: "I love you."

Yes, it seems dumb, but have you ever tried it?

Attempted to genuinely embrace your flaws,

Or at least the ones you do not hold the power to outright change?

Talk to yourself in the /me/rror, let it be your best friend.

Because in your darkest moments, when you have no one to confide to

Who else would be there, aside from yourself?

Yes, of course, you're the ultimate answer!

So teach yourself, how to love yourself.

Accept yourself for who you are.

Your good traits, your bad sides,

Don't let anyone corrupt the way you view yourself,

If it does nothing to help you.

Become better or grow,

For what you've been through, they wouldn't really know.

They have their own mirrors, they don't have yours.

So go on and hold your head up high,

Instead of maintaining eye contact with the floor,

As if you need to feel remorseful.

Accept yourself for who you are, is my genuine suggestion

And that starts by accepting what can be found in your reflection.

That the image displayed this /me/rror, does not need any further correction.

To be gorgeous, you need not use make-up or filters,

Accept yourself for who you are, so you can respond to the question:

"Is there still beauty left in a world full of heartache, heartbreak, and misery?"

Accept yourself, until you finally get to look into the mirror.

See what I see in you, in order to able to tell yourself:

"Oh, that's right! Living proof of that is none other than me!"

"For I am beautiful, for I am me."

Hello! I am Anna, although preferably I go by my pen name, Franzzine Delacroix. My pronouns are she/her. I am a student writer from the Philippines, currently taking up a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language Studies. I have had a passion for writing for over a decade now, which is why I always aim to put what I love doing most into good use, in hopes of inspiring others and building up my own confidence to continue pursuing my dreams and aspirations. I hope that even in simple ways, my pieces could brighten up the days of those who'd have a chance to read it and for those who need it, especially in these trying times. Thank you!