to the arbiter of being:

By Audric Adonteng

my writing on bedroom walls

our initials carved in the skin of a tree

use your arms to pull me closer to

the heart of my anger

into the embrace of a field of thorns with

mud covering my eyes but still

holding them

because i still need control.

the sight of you

the sight of


i haven’t forgotten the pain

unfolding the blossom of a rose the petals

fleeing the corpse of a petunia

there would be no destruction if there was no me

among the breeze i am

nothing if not the sound in between branches the sound

between gasps amidst the

orchestra of nature you wonder how

i rival the land / i am nature.

Audric Adonteng attends St. Bernard's High School. In his free time, he enjoys walking in nature, reading, and studying languages like Latin and ancient Greek. He is currently putting together his writing portfolio for university admissions.