To The Beautiful You

By Franzzine Delacroix

Hey you! Yes, you!

The person currently reading this poem!

If no one has yet to tell you this, you are truly incredible;

You are special, and you matter.

Who cares if people tell you otherwise?

These, you need not prove to them.

You've gone through a lot;

You still will, and still could.

You'd suffer and you'd be misunderstood.

You'd experience sadness and pain;

You'd feel as if you wish to give up, for your life is in vain.

But you know what?

Even though one challenge immediately comes after the other,

As long as you have faith, and try to hold on,

Rest assured, life will get better.

Hence, cling on to that dream;

Remember your inspirations and aspirations,

So that as you find yourself engulfed by the darkness,

You'd also discover a slight bit of hope,

As you catch sight of that faint gleam.

A gleam that'd grow as big as the sun;

A gleam that would lead you to the right path.

A gleam that would have you thinking,

"Oh, the fun has just begun."

If you are in need of more motivation, look in the mirror and you'll see.

A person capable of earning their desired degree,

Of buying their ideal house or state-of-art car,

Of achieving the life they always wanted,

Though the end of the journey to attaining this may seem quite far.

If that wasn't enough,

Well then, have it be said here straight;

Someone out there is glad that you existed, and are still existing.

These people are proud of you — they believe in you and what you can do!

Some people, sadly, thought differently from the rest.

Nobody blames them, we all have our fair share of battles we've attempted to overcome.

But you, you're here, right now.

And that in itself is indeed remarkable and utterly amazing.

Your loved ones surely appreciate that too.

Think about them, when you feel like going six feet under.

Read this poem, once more,

Let it serve as a reminder,

For you to be aware that you are simply, unlike any other.

Whoever you are,

Whatever you wish to become.

You are awesome, you are extraordinary.

Most importantly you are you.

And nobody, absolutely no one,

Can ever take that away from you.

This poem goes out to the beautiful you.

Merely stating a few from the list of things you may or may not have already known.

If it's the latter, save it in the meantime,

As it may be a work you'd later on find yourself turning to.

Once the day comes when you figure out that everything said within this piece,

Is something you can confirm is undeniably true, especially for you.

Hello! I am Anna, although preferably I go by my pen name, Franzzine Delacroix. My pronouns are she/her. I am a student writer from the Philippines, currently taking up a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Language Studies. I have had a passion for writing for over a decade now, which is why I always aim to put what I love doing most into good use, in hopes of inspiring others and building up my own confidence to continue pursuing my dreams and aspirations. I hope that even in simple ways, my pieces could brighten up the days of those who'd have a chance to read it and for those who need it, especially in these trying times. Thank you!